International business travel by train

For the business traveller there is the NS Business Card. It allows you to easily book international train tickets and travel with Eurostar and ICE with discount. You pay on credit via one invoice. Your employer will have direct access to your travel costs and as an employee you will not need to bother with expense claims afterwards: simple, fast and organised! Discover the many benefits of corporate travel.


Travel time

On the way to that business meeting abroad, you don't have to do anything. But in our comfortable high-speed trains, you could do anything.

'My work day begins when I start travelling'

On the train to Paris, Sijbrand Tieleman explains how he uses his time as efficiently as possible.

'I experience more peace and quiet in the train'

On his way to Basel, Arie Voordouw explains how travelling by train ensures a good balance between work and relaxation.

'That's how I get the most out of my trip'

On her way to London, Coby van Dongen, commercial director of De Jong Intra Vakanties, explains why she prefers to take the train.

'The international train gives me complete focus'

We asked Green Tickets founder Jeppe Bijker on his way to Berlin what travel time means to him.

Outbound journey is for work, return trip for relaxation

Research agency MetrixLab has conducted a survey among 200 international business travellers on how they spend their travel time. Curious?