More frequent travel between the Netherlands and Belgium

With Eurocity Direct and EuroCity

16 October 2024

Starting today, you can book the new trains that will run between the Netherlands and Belgium from 15 December. NS and the Belgian operator NMBS are jointly introducing a faster and more comfortable train service. With shorter travel times and added onboard comfort, the brand-new Eurocity Direct offers a top speed of 200 km/h. The train connects Amsterdam and Brussels, running from Lelystad via Almere and Amsterdam Zuid to Brussels South Midi.
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Faster travel, more enjoyment

Thanks to the new Eurocity Direct, the journey from Amsterdam to Brussels will be significantly shortened. The current journey takes 2 hours and 52 minutes, but it will be reduced to approximately 2 hours and 8 minutes – saving you a three full quarters of an hour! This train is faster than the current Intercity Brussels, which runs at a maximum speed of 160 km/h. The train will run 16 times a day.

New train: Intercity New Generation-Belgium

The new ICNG-B can accommodate 413 passengers and offers more luggage space than the ICNG operating within the Netherlands. The train is equipped with onboard wifi and power sockets at the seats.

Additional trains to

Belgium In addition to this faster train, another service will run, connecting more stations: EuroCity. This train will also operate 16 times a day and will depart from Rotterdam Central, making stops at Breda, Mechelen, and Zaventem, among others.

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