Strike in Belgium March 23th through March 31th Read more

Passengers with impaired mobility

Access for everyone

We offer a number of additional services to increase accessibility for the elderly, poor-sighted and other passengers with impaired mobility.

Booking with reduced mobility

You can also travel on international trains with reduced mobility. If you are confined to a wheelchair or mobility scooter, it is not possible to book online for trains with a seat reservation. You can book via the NS International Service Centre +31(0)30 2300023 (daily from 07:00 to 23:00) or at an NS International desk in the Service Shop. You do not pay any booking fee.
If you are travelling on a train without a seat reservation, such as the Eurocity Direct, you can book online and request assistance getting on and off the train by calling +31(0)30 235 78 22 (7 days a week, 24 hours a day). More information about train travel with a mobility impairment within the Netherlands can be found on

Assistance getting on and off the train

Do you need assistance getting on and off the train? We will be happy to provide that. We recommend that you do this immediately after booking by calling 030-235 78 22 (available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day) and keep your booking details handy during the call. Please note that assistance must be requested at least 24 hours (for Germany 36 hours) before departure.

Hearing impaired

If you are hearing impaired, you can WhatsApp your request for assistance or use our social media channels. You find our contact details on our contact page.

Vision impairment

Are you visually impaired and travelling with a guide or assistance dog? Most train operators allow this dog to travel free of charge. In some cases, a separate ticket is required for the dog or the dog must be registered in advance. Further down the page you will find an explanation of what you may need to arrange for each train operator.

Assistance in the Netherlands

For more information on this service, please visit the

Assistance abroad

Assistance abroad has a longer application time. We recommend requesting it at least 1 week before departure but as much earlier as possible. The pdf Assistance data within Europe contains an overview of European countries with corresponding instructions on where and how to apply for assistance.
Assistance information within Europe

Travelling with a guide

Passengers with impaired mobility may be eligible for a Public Transport Guide Pass. You can find more information on this at OV-begeleidingerskaart. With this card, you can request a free ticket for your companion in many cases. This can also be an assistance dog. Please note: this is only possible in the country where the OV-Begeleiderkaart was issued.

Eurocity Direct

  • Companions, including assistance dogs, of travelers with an OV Companion Card can travel for free within the Netherlands on Eurocity Direct and EuroCity. They also travel for free in Belgium and Luxembourg without needing a ticket.
  • To be able to get onto the train – and also the elevators and movable ramps – the wheelchair may be no larger than 150 x 85 cm (outer measurements)
  • You and your wheelchair may not have a combined weight of 250 kilo.

Eurostar to Belgium/France

  • In Premier class there is space especially for passengers in a wheelchair. There is a special reduced ticket price for this space and one person may accompany you for the same reduced rate. You will have to make a special reservation. The accompanying passenger needs a Guide Pass. (030-2300023, daily from 07:00 to 23:00).
  • To ensure safe travel for passengers, the maximum dimensions for wheelchairs are 70 x 120 cm, with a maximum weight of 200 kg.
  • Registered guide and assistance dogs are allowed. Guide and assistance animals always travel for free on Eurostar.

ICE International and Intercity Berlin

ICE International has two wheelchair spaces, and Intercity Berlin has four wheelchair spaces in 2nd class, with an adapted restroom/toilet nearby. Each wheelchair space includes a companion seat, which is always reserved. ICE International is equipped with a special lift to make boarding and alighting with a wheelchair easier. Wheelchairs can have a maximum length of 125 cm and a width of 70 cm, including space for footrests.

Companions (including assistance dogs) of travelers with a companion pass can travel for free within the Netherlands on Intercity Berlin and ICE. Internationally, they may also travel for free, provided they have a valid travel ticket. This ticket can be obtained free of charge at the Ticket & Service desks at stations.

There are limited options for traveling with a mobility scooter. For advice, please contact us at +31 (0)30-235 78 22 (available 24/7, 7 days a week).

Eurostar to London

In first class there are two spaces especially for passengers in a wheelchair. There is a special reduced ticket price for this space and one person may accompany you for the same reduced rate. Travellers with a mobility scooter may transport it free of charge on the Eurostar in the luggage compartment.

  • Mobility scooter and/or wheelchair may not be longer than 100 cm or wider than 70 cm
  • Scooters that run on fuel are not permitted.
  • Register your trip with mobility scooter at EuroDespatch via tel.: 0044 344 822 5 822 (open daily from 08:00 to 22:00 hrs).
  • The reduced ticket price is not valid for visually impaired passengers.
  • No special fare applies to persons accompanying visually impaired passengers.
  • There is a special fare for the companion of a mobility-impaired passenger.
  • Registered guide and assistance dogs are allowed. Guide and assistance animals always travel for free on Eurostar. On arrival in or departure from the UK, you will need to show your documentation, so make sure you have it with you. A free ticket for a guide or assistance dog can be requested up to 48 hours before departure. Register your guide or assistance dog for your train journey here.

Night train Nightjet

All travelers with a disability pay the standard rate. Supervisors of a visually impaired traveler travel at a reduced rate. A special compartment can be booked for travelers in a wheelchair. You don't have to pay extra for this. A companion can travel with you for free. To book the wheelchair compartment or to book a ticket for the Guide, please contact the NS International Customer Service (030-2300023, daily from 07:00 to 23:00) or an NS-International counter in the Service Shop.
More information


The wheelchair space on TGV trains is accessible for passengers with both a manual or electric wheelchair and mobility scooters with maximum dimensions of length 120 cm and width 70 cm.

Requesting a Guide Pass