Strike in Belgium March 23th through March 31th Read more

During your trip

It is great when you are kept informed of the latest travel updates during your trip. Is your train on time? Has a train service been cancelled? Where should you switch trains? We can give you a helping hand. On this page you will find information that will help you along when you are on your journey.

Take your time

The transfer time indicated in the itinerary planner may be too short if you are travelling with children or if you have a lot of luggage. We recommend that you take this into account and leave earlier. This is always possible for the domestic NS train services!

Travel information

Up-to-date travel information

Current travel information can be found in various places:

  • Website: on the Current travel information page, you will find all current delays and disruptions to international trains and information about scheduled engineering works.
  • App: download our app for our Android or iOS and this personal travel attendant will help you on your way.

Opening gates with an international ticket

We are using more and more gates at Dutch railway stations. We do this in order to increase social safety at the stations for our customers and employees. You can open the gates with your international ticket.
Read more about opening gates

Missed your train?

What can you do if you have missed your train? It depends on your destination, the train you are travelling with and what your fare conditions are. If you missed your train because of a delay or a cancelled train, different rules apply.
See train missed due to cancelled or delayed train

Belgium or Luxembourg

Do you have a ticket to Belgium or Luxembourg on an Intercity or local train? This is an open ticket. That means you are not tied to a time. You can then take the next Intercity or local train to Belgium or Luxembourg. However, you must travel on the same day and via the same route. Please note: this does not apply to Eurostar or a Saver ticket on Eurocity Direct and EuroCity.

TGV or Eurostar

Do you have a ticket for TGV or Eurostar? These tickets are only valid on the train you have booked. Did you miss your train? Please contact one of our employees at the NS International desk in a Service & Tickets shop at the station or call Customer Service on 030 2300023.

To or via Germany

Do you have a ticket to or via Germany? Then the possibilities for taking the next train differ per fare. The fare is stated on your ticket.

  • With a Flexpreis fare: you are not tied to a time, so you can take the next train. However, you must travel on the same day.
  • With a Sparpreis Europe fare: In this case, please consult one of our employees at the NS International desk in the Service Shop at the station or call Customer Service on 030 2300023.
  • With a Super Sparpreis Europa fare: If you miss your train, you will need to buy a new ticket.


Have you missed your train due to a major disruption in rail traffic? Then please contact one of our employees at the NS International desk in the Service Shop at the station or call Customer Service on 030 2300023.
Are you abroad? Then please report to a sales desk for international train traffic or contact Customer Services on +31 30 23 000 23.

Delayed and therefore missed your train?

Unfortunately, trains may unexpectedly not run according to schedule due to, for example, breakdowns, calamities or weather conditions. You may miss your connection if your earlier train is cancelled or delayed. In principle, you can then take the next train of the same carrier.
Read more about missed connections

Are you at a Dutch station?

Ask the Train Manager, service employee or employees at the Ticket & Service office for possible alternatives, any additional travel time and the validity of your ticket. They will be happy to assist you. The announcements and LED displays will keep you informed of the current situation. At smaller stations, you can consult the information pillars with blue button.

Are you at an international station?

If you are at: Then go to
Brussel-South (Midi) Railteam counter in the station's main hall
London St. Pancras Eurostar counter at the terminal
Paris Nord Eurostar counter in the station's main hall
German stations DB Reisezentrum

At the other foreign stations you can go to the sales counters for international rail services. On the Station maps page, you will find where these counters are located. You can also go to these counters if you have any questions or want to change your ticket.

Are you on the train?

You will be kept informed by the announcements from the Train Manager. If you have any questions that are specifically about your trip, you can ask the Train Manager when he or she comes by. Let the Train Manager know as soon as possible if you expect the disruption to affect the rest of your trip. Of course, we will do our best to ensure that your trip runs as smoothly as possible.

What to do during a long train ride?

Your train trip can be long, and then it can be a challenge to keep yourself entertained. Fortunately, there are plenty of things you can do to pass the time. We give you 10 tips to make your precious time useful and your trip as enjoyable as possible.

10 tips to make the most of your train trip