To Barcelona by train

To Barcelona with Eurostar and TGV

  • Quickly to the heart of Barcelona
  • Travel time Amsterdam - Barcelona 11.10 hours
  • No stressing checking in at an airport and no traffic jams

Barcelona, the capital of Catalonia, is the second largest city in Spain. By train you will get from Amsterdam to the beautiful coastal city in just 11.10 hours.

With Eurostar via Paris to Barcelona

Eurostar from Amsterdam, Schiphol and Rotterdam arrives at Gare du Nord station. There you will have to make a transfer from Gare du Nord to Gare de Lyon. You will do this by metro (RER). You have 49 minutes for this transfer. The metro (RER) takes about 14 minutes.

Transferring in Paris
You can buy metro tickets at Gare du Nord station or sometimes in the Eurostar bar carriage. Please note that the bar carriage does not always have these metro tickets.

Would you like a wider transfer? Then choose the connection where you leave an hour earlier from the Netherlands. Then the transfer time is 2.19 hours. Then the transfer time is 2.19 hours and you will have one change of trains less.

By TGV from Paris to Barcelona

From Gare de Lyon station in Paris, travel on to Barcelona by TGV. This journey takes 6.31 hours.

By train to Barcelona from the Netherlands

Route Travel time Change trains Departure Arrival
Amsterdam CS - Barcelona 12:10 hrs 1 09:15 21.25
Rotterdam CS - Barcelona 11:27 hrs 1 9.58 21.25
Amsterdam CS - Barcelona 11.10 2 10.15 21.25
Rotterdam CS - Barcelona 10.27 hrs 2 10.58 21.25
Barcelona - Amsterdam CS 11.11 hrs 1 10:33 21:44

For a complete travel itinerary, consult our itinerary planner

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Frequently asked questions about taking the train to Barcelona

What does a train ticket to Barcelona cost?
The lowest price for a one-way ticket from Amsterdam to Barcelona is € 129 . The sooner you book, the lower the price. Check our itinerary planner for an up-to-date overview of all prices.
How long is the travel time by train to Barcelona?
The shortest trip from Amsterdam to Paris takes 11.10. View our itinerary planner for an up-to-date overview of all travel times.
At which station in Barcelona do I get off??
The international train to Barcelona arrives at central station Barcelona Sants.
Is there a night train to Barcelona?
There is currently no night train to Barcelona.
Is there a direct train from Amsterdam to Barcelona?
No, there are no direct train connections from Amsterdam to Barcelona. To travel by train from Amsterdam to Barcelona you must change trains at least once. This is done in Paris.

Prices train tickets Barcelona

No trip is the same. We are very aware of this and therefore offer a fitting rate for every travel situation.

The price depends on

Book in advance and save money!

Do you want to and can you book far in advance? Then choose the ticket with the lowest fare. The best rate for the price-conscious travellers.

General tips for getting the cheapest tickets

  • Book as early as possibly to have the most chance of getting the cheapest tickets.
  • Travelling in the evening is often cheaper.
  • For a weekend getaway, travel Sat-Sun-Mon instead of Fri-Sat-Sun.
  • Book online to avoid booking fee.

Tips to get the best rates
